Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sexually Transmitted Disease, Vaginitis and Urinary Tract Infections: Great Results in African Trials

Trials in Ghana, West Africa, on Malaria victims using a new recently patented advanced colloidal silver solution have had some pleasant side effects. Not only did the advanced silver solution have amazing effects on the malaria, but it also proved to be effective against Urinary Tract Infections, Sexually Transmitted Diseases such as gonorrhea, skin infections and parasites that were also present in those malaria patients. West Africa is riddled with all kinds of nasty diseases, so there was no harsher environment for this trial.

The new advanced silver solution is produced by American Biotech Labs and marketed by Nutronix International. American Biotech Labs supplied about 1000 of the 8oz bottles of the advanced colloidal silver for the Ghanaian human trials. The trials were conducted across 4 Ghanaian clinics/hospitals. The silver solution is known to be effective against a broad spectrum of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, molds and yeasts, yet it does not harm the friendly bacteria that we need in our stomach for digestion.

The Ghanaian human trials support many US laboratory trials conducted by a number of top US university and research establishments. Although, colloidal silver has been around for decades having originally been patented in 1924, this new advanced colloidal silver solution has been able to demonstrate a new technology and capabilities. This culminated in a new patent in 2006, representing a major advance in this area.

Numerous claims are made by the patent application that was accepted in 2006. Amongst the patents claims is that it exhibits antimicrobial properties against microbes including gonorrhea, urinary tract infections, vaginal infections, trichomonas vaginalis and Candida albicans. These claims have been independently accepted and validated by the US Patent Office due to the level of hard evidence supporting the claims. This evidence includes the Ghanaian malaria trials.

In US laboratory trials it was established that due to the high potency of the new advanced colloidal silver and its multiple kill mechanisms against bacteria and viruses; urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases could be killed at extremely low concentrations of the silver suspension in water.

Urinary tract infections such as Pseudomonas Aeruginosa was killed at just 5.0 parts per million (that is 5 parts of silver to 999,995 parts of water) whilst other urinary tract infections; Streptococcus Faecalis, E.Coli, Klebsiella Pneumoniae, Enterobacter Aerpyogenes were killed at a mere 2.5 parts per million.

Furthermore, the yeast infection, Candida albicans and the vaginitis infection Trichomonas vaginalis were both killed at only 10.0 parts per million.

There are actually many more bacteria, viruses, molds and yeasts listed on the patent, which are not relevant to this article.

The advanced silver solution is commercially available at 14 parts per million, which is clearly strong enough for most requirements, whilst still being at extremely low concentrations. Most other colloidal silvers have to be hundreds or even thousands of parts per million to even come close to achieving the same results.

The potency at such low concentrations results from the unique manufacturing method. It makes the new silver solution even safer as the vast majority of its mass is just pure water. The new advanced silver solution is a clear transparent liquid, whilst most other colloidal silvers usually have a brown tinge to them and there is hardly any taste to it.

Safer Sex to Prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases

A great deal of attention was paid to safe sex in the 1980s, when HIV first became a concern. Mass awareness campaigns highlighted the necessity of using condoms during sex to minimise the risk of spreading sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). But in time, it became apparent that no sex can be called 100% safe. This is particularly true in case of genital herpes. When you have a virus in your body that can spread sexually transmitted infections (STIs), you need to engage in 'safer' sex practices to reduce the risk of transmission to your healthy partner.

People often think that sex is only about intercourse. It is not. Kissing, fondling or even holding hands are physical manifestations of sexual intimacy. When you have herpes and are actively into sex, you may think that using condom is a safe option to prevent transmitting the virus to your partner. But think twice. Genital herpes is one of the most contagious sexually transmitted diseases and using a condom may not fully cover your genitals. And in any case, what if the condom breaks? How do you prevent transmission while kissing or fondling your partner? These are some of the questions that should make you think about safer sex options.

How to make love in a 'safer' way?
Many couples have sex in creative ways to minimise the risk of herpes transmission. To make sex creative, you need to talk to your partner first. Mutual cooperation and understanding must be there for trying out innovative postures that reduce outright exposure of the genitals. But such activities are usually very difficult to perform. So the next option you have is using protective methods such as condoms, latex gloves and sheets. But using all types of barriers at the same time may make sex a bit clumsy. Besides, if the sore is at the base of the penis, or to one side of the labia, a barrier may not fully cover the infected area. So there are more safer sex options you can try to prevent spreading and/or getting infected with sexually transmitted diseases.

Single partner
Having a single sex partner helps prevent transmission of herpes and other sexually transmitted infections. As for herpes, the virus that causes it can stay inactive inside the body for an indefinite period of time. So if you are having sex with more than one partner, the chance of you knowing about the medical history of your 'present' partner is very less, as you may have struck up the relation only recently.

Learn how to wear and remove a condom
This may sound trivial, but it is not. Many youngsters still fumble while wearing or removing condoms. Do not rush while putting on a condom; take your time and wear it properly. Probably a good time to learn is when you are alone.

One condom at a time
Condoms are not made for reuse. So throw away the used condom after sex, buy a new one and use it the next time.

No sex after drinking alcohol
Avoid sex when you are under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol can reduce your situational awareness and you may not be able to wear the condom properly.

Private STD Test - Charlotte STD Testing Clinics

Anybody who is suspecting to be infected with a sexually transmitted disease would like to know the real status of his or her health condition in private. This is because having STDs is already a stigmatized image in the society. If others hear that you are in the process suspecting about your health condition, people may have alerady judged you. However, despite all the troubles you may have to go through, you still have to take an STD test. This will confirm your suspicions of beign infected with STDs. It may be true or not anyway. The important thing is that you know what your real health status is. Whether positive or not, by taking the test, one may know what’s the next step to do.

Many people are reluctant in going to a clinic or hospital to have an STD test. Aside from fear that people may judge them just because of the test and results, others are not prepared or are afraid of what the results may give them. They do not exactly know what to do if it turns out to be positive. However, one must take the test. An STD doesn’t just go away by itself. It can cause general body infections or can directly affect your reproductive and sex organs. If one gets tested right away, treatment will be given to him or her promptly. This is to prevent one from suffering all those complications that STDs can give.

Today, one may opt to take a private STD testing. There are a few online sites that you can contact and order test kits for various STD’s. You follow the directions and send your kit to the private lab, and they will send you your results. This is a great way to test in full privacy; however, these kits only cover the common STDs like herpes, Chlamydia, and gonorrhea. For other STDs, you have to order another type of test kit which is more expensive than the usual ones. Aside from this, there are a lot of fraud acts online. If you are careful, you might end up buying a fake product.

There are private STD testing clinics that offer very good testing services and promise confidentiality. The test done in private clinics may cover all STD testing. It can detect even the simplest type of STD. aside from this, these clinics are also offering reproductive health screenings, counseling and treatment.

After the diagnosis, treatment should always follow immediately. Treatment will depend on the type of disease that has infected the patient. The period of time for the treatment will also depend on how severe the disease is when it was detected. There are several STD that can be cured, so if these are detected early, the disease will be eliminated right away. For incurable diseases, treatment and medications are given to delay the effects of the disease. This will preempt the spread of the virus to the other body organs of the patient. The patient will also be required to have regular checkups and testings. This will help in monitoring the development of the treatment being given to him or her.

Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases

The hike in the rate of sexually transmitted diseases among pregnant women has raised a situation whereby there is no protection against sexually transmitted diseases making the situation of pregnant women worst as compared to women who are not pregnant.

This is a vital fact that STDs contracted during pregnancy is quite life threatening. Most of the women are not even aware of the potential consequences of such diseases even before they get pregnant so they need to know how to protect themselves and their upcoming children from these threats.

The consequences of such sexually transmitted diseases for pregnant women can be same as for non pregnant women but these may lead to devastating effects too such as cervical cancer, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and other complications.

Very often there are no symptoms among women who are infected with these sexually transmitted diseases and even the women may not be aware that she is infected as such until she is already pregnant.

Many other complications that occur due to sexually transmitted diseases during pregnancy may include early onset of labor or premature rupture of the uterine membranes surrounding the baby and can even cause uterine infection after delivery.

It is quite common that sexually transmitted diseases are being transmitted from pregnant women to her fetus, newborn or any infant before, during or after birth. Certain STD’s such as syphilis even cross the placenta and infect the fetus that affects the fetal development. Many other sexually transmitted diseases include gonorrhea, Chlamydia, hepatitis B and genital herpes that could be transmitted from the pregnant mother to her infant through vaginal delivery. HIV positive women can transmit the virus causing AIDS to the fetus through the placenta while pregnancy or any sort of infection that could occur during the process of birth. Unique to the HIV this is a fact that transmission can occur in infants through breastfeeding by an infected mother.

Outrage at Vatican Ethics Dictionary

The Vatican published an ethical dictionary yesterday saying homosexuality has "no social value", warning against concepts such as "safe sex" and "reproductive health" and insisting that condoms don't protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

The book, one of the Vatican's most scathing attacks yet on what it considers deteriorating social values, caused outrage in Italy's gay community, among some Italian politicians and even at certain levels within the Vatican itself.

The 900-page Lexicon On Ambiguous and Colloquial Terms About Family Life and Ethical Questions queries the use by world leaders and public organisations of 78 key words related to sexuality, abortion and birth control.

Leaders who encourage the use of condoms for safe sex are running a commercially motivated "exercise in self-justification", the book says, concealing the fact that tests show condoms don't work 10% of the time.

"The Vatican, these imbeciles, are burning up years of work of professional doctors in a matter of seconds," said Fabio Canino, a popular gay television presenter in Italy, referring to the Vatican's message to the world's one billion Catholics on condoms.

Nongonoccal Urethritis

Nongonococcal urethritis or more commonly known as NGU is an infection of the urethras which is often caused by Chlamydia. This is transmitted by touching your mouth, penis, vagina or anus, to someone else's penis, vagina or anus that is infected with NGU. This disease is symptomatic. It shows symptoms on its patients. The symptoms however, may be different with men and women. For men, symptoms like discharge from your penis, burning or pain when urinating and itching with irritation or tenderness around the opening of your penis may be experienced. For women, they may have symptoms like discharge from vagina, burning or pain when urinating, pain in the stomach area, bleeding from the vagina in between monthly periods, which may be a sign that NGU has become worse and turned into Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID).

NGU is a very much curable disease just like Chlamydia and gonorrhea. It may also be treated with antibiotic drugs. Just like the other STDs, if this is not detected early and untreated, severe health damages may be experienced by the patient. Such complications are infertility, low birth weight, early delivery and miscarriage for pregnant women and infections for the baby that was infected by the mother.

NGU, being curable, it can also be preventable. Some preventive measures are abstinence; the best way to avoid NGU or any sexually transmitted infection is to not have anal, vaginal or oral sex. Limiting one’s sex partners; having multiple or changing of sex partners may put one at high risk of acquiring the disease of your sex partners. And the use of condoms; protected sex can also be protection from diseases.

Aside from these, you may also be protected through STD testing. You may have you and your partner take an STD test. This way, you will both know what your partner’s health condition is. It may not be easy to convince one to take the test but it is a sure way to be safe and infection-free. It is also a way to show that you care for your health as well as for your partner. You wouldn’t want the both of you the consequences that STDs may give, right?

STD testing is done by taking samples from the patient for testing. Aside from urine, blood and swab samples may also be needed. The test procedures will depend on what type of STD that has infected the patient. Some STDs may require physical checkup of the patient and some may just be a laboratory test.

There are different types of STD testing available now to reach more people worldwide. There are test done for privacy like the confidential STD testing and private STD testing. Another one is the quick STD testing. This test can provide results on the same day or in as quickly as twenty minutes. Or others may just take a local STD testing being conducted in hospitals or local health clinics.

Men are from Mars women Venus. Common sense cover the PENIS

What could be more serious than to be on the receiving end of an STD. The answer is, millions of people are choosing to ignore the warning signs of safe sex therefore causing epidemics like the plague.

The plague as I remember go back to the days of Guy Fawkes where people had no help or treatment like we have today in the 21st century.
Ignorance has to be top of the list why this is a major concern. If you told me that a death sentence came with casual unprotected sex you would not have to repeat it a second time.
How many warnings is it going take for people to accept the dangers on what it is like to be abused by a STD. You have no say in the matter when it goes on a path of destruction as i.e. taking you physically and mentally.

Some STD comes with the death penalty if left untreated. Years ago the death penalty was imposed upon you; nowadays people inflict it on them selves.
Wear a glove when making love should be your number one priority.
VD stands for (Venereal disease) I now see it standing for (Vast distribution) of this killer disease that infects millions all over the world.

Sexual contact with a stranger/s is the biggest offender leaving an aftermath behind as in heartache suffering pain and hospital appointments. Clinics have to be visited for weeks maybe months, and in some unfortunate cases no clinic visits to attend. All because the infected sufferer left the STD to fester and eat away at them like maggots devouring a corpse. Please seek advice early.
Unclean sex diseases can be fatal and if untreated causing infertility in women.

Syphilis symptoms, expect to lose control over your own mind syphilis attacks the nervous system and then goes on to assault the brain which leads to dementia even death.

Medication and treatments are readily available so if in doubt consult your doctor. This is not a headache that goes away in time, and time is what you do not have after contracting a STD. Get attention immediately.

As far as I am aware we still have no cure for Herpes another STD that comes with blisters and very painful scabby sores that break out in there own time around the genital area, not a pretty sight, but who is going to see as you wont be playing the field for a long time to come all because you chose not to follow the warning signs.

Pregnancy and Herpes not a match made in heaven, help protect your unborn child by talking to someone.

Don't leave it to chance I have reason to believe about 15 million cases in the United States took chances. No one is invulnerable...
Gonorrhea is not to be snubbed it needs to be rubbed with special creams and oral medicines. It is an early stage of the disease so nip it in the bud early. The early bird catches the worm.
Pubic lice otherwise known as crabs can cause major havoc and discomfort in the lower region. For a small parasite they too cause stress, these infectious little characters embed and bury themselves into the flesh causing an uncontrollable itch which can prove to very embarrassing when out shopping. Get it sorted.

I could go on and on pointing out the risks of STD like HIV and its dedicated follower the dreaded full blown aids. This can be contracted by other sources not just sex...
Sexual contact with your partner should be a worry free zone thus giving you peace of mind so you can enjoy your sexual encounter.

Sex where both parties get to together should be romantic and fun.
Cause for concern throughout the sexual activity will not give you the results you would expect from a night of passion.

Know about STD Testing for Sexually Transmitted Diseases

People with STDs may have symptoms that can be seen, but many people do not exhibit any symptom at all, and it can take months or even years for them to come face to face with this unpleasant truth. If one is sexually active, it is vitally important to practice safer sex each and every time one is intimate. Going for STD testing when you decide to become intimate with someone new is also imperative to staying sexually healthy.

Testing for sexually transmitted infections is available in the Health Center as well as the Women's Center. The term currently considered most correct to refer to these infections is STI's, however the most common usage continues to be STD's, or sexually transmitted diseases.

An STD test is a medical test for the presence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD). I would like to stress on one very important fact at the very beginning, which is that no STD test is 100% accurate. Some STDs do not appear right away. The infection can take anywhere between a couple of days and a few years to show up.

It is also important to know that not all doctors perform the same tests for STD and hence it becomes vital to know what to ask for and the limitations of STD testing.

Gonorrhea and chlamydia screening is done either through a urine test or through a swab inside the penis of the men or from the cervix of a women. The swab test requires collection using a special small q-tip. Women must have a pelvic exam with a q-tip used to collect mucus from the cervix. This exam is occasionally uncomfortable. Specimens are collected from men by inserting the q-tip up inside the urethra, which is the opening where urine comes out. This is usually painful for men, but takes just a few seconds. Tests for syphilis is performed via a blood test or a swab from the genital pores. People in the late stages of syphilis infection need to have the Cerebrospinal Fluid Test performed. For this test, a sample of your spinal fluid will be collected and assessed to determine the extent of your infection. Washing the infected area with prescription shampoos treats Crabs. Tests for HIV and AIDS are performed by blood test, which is also known as the ELISA test. If the results of this test is positive, then a second test called the Western Blot is performed which will confirm if the someone is truly HIV positive. This is done as in some cases; several diseases like syphilis or lupus may cause the ELISA test to return a positive result.

Apart from the tests mentioned above which are performed when you show symptoms of STD or suspect something wrong, it is important to undergo routine tests to rule out the presence of STDs. It is recommended that the women undergo a Pap smear test annually, which is a simple procedure that collects cells from the cervix to test for cancer and pre-cancerous changes. Routine work for men is not recommended unless they have sex with other men. In such cases, the men should undergo tests for HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia annually.

In the case of women, if pregnant, please inform the doctor before hand, as the course of treatment that is to be followed will be different.

Alarming statistics show that ignorance and carelessness are prime reason for STDs, its essential to inform and educate the younger generation that using condoms correctly will reduce the risk of infection. Central role of STD prevention is vital in improving health among women and infants and in promoting HIV prevention.

Here, we can conclude that that while some STDs can be completely treated and cured, other STDs cannot be cured; their symptoms can only be managed. Prevention is better than cure and hence it is imperative to practice safe sex and get your testing done today!

Is there a Cure for Herpes? - New York STD Testing Clinics

There are several different types of sexually transmitted diseases. In fact, there are almost 25 different types that are just around us. We may never know who are infected or not; and we may never know if the person you are with today is infected or not. Therefore, nobody is safe from infection of the dreadful sexually transmitted diseases.

There are two kinds of STDs; the curable and incurable STDs. The curable kinds are mostly caused by bacteria. Such diseases are Chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis. Theses diseases are curable with dosages of antibiotics. This kind of medication helps in killing the bacteria and permanently removing the infection out of the patient’s system. However, these diseases can still bring great damage to the patient if it is left untreated and ignored. They can cause several health damages such as reproductive health problems, nervous system damage, birth defects and infertility.

On the other hand, incurable diseases are also great life threats to anyone who gets infected with it. Such diseases are genital herpes, HIV and AIDS. These diseases can lead to infertility, heart diseases, brain damage, different types of cancers and even death. These diseases are often caused by virus which will stay inside the patient’s system for life. However, there are medications that may be given to its patients to control the spread of the disease to the other body organs of the patient and to preempt its severity.

Herpes is one of those incurable diseases that deeply affect the patient’s reproductive health. Antiviral medications may be given to avoid further health damage to the patient. Antiviral drugs given people infected with genital herpes the chance to make the manifestations of herpes become less for an extended period of time. At the same time, it also helps minimize the level and degree of the symptoms in instances of break outs. However, using medications for treatment does not necessarily cure away the condition. It is used only to make a patient’s live in a more convenient condition.

A person who suspects of being infected with herpes or any other types of STD should immediately consult a doctor for testing and treatment. It is important to identify the disease before undergoing treatment. Once diagnosed with herpes, treatment may start with a session of about 7 - 10 days of antiviral drugs. This is to reduce the worsening of the said condition. If within the treatment session, the blisters did not heal, then it is time extend the medications.

Sexually transmitted diseases are a serious health matter. It should not be ignored for it can create intense effects to one’s health. STD testing is the best way to know if one is infected with the disease. This is also where treatment starts. Early detection may result to fewer complications. There are several STD testing clinics that can help those who wish to be tested for STD. These private clinics also offer testing for other reproductive health problems, treatment, counseling and screening. STD testing is the best way to detect and confirm one’s medical condition. It is also one way to have treatment right away and give more relief to the patient.

Important Sexual Health Facts That Everyone Should Know

There are many sexual health facts that are important to know. Perhaps the most important sexual health facts of all relate to the sexually transmitted diseases that are out there. There are many STDs that you can develop, and it is important to be aware on this sort of matter not only so that you can protect yourself against these diseases but also so you will be able to recognize the onset of any.

Sexual Health Facts : STDs

On the topic of sexual health facts , STDs is major. These diseases can develop after you have sex with someone who has an infection. Although these infections are most often caused by having intercourse they can also be passed through anal and oral sex as well as by skin-to-skin contact.

One of the most commonly occurring STDs is Chlamydia. Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease that is very common and affects about 4 women each year. The bacteria of this disease are found in the cervix and urethra and can also live in the throat and rectum. There are actually very few symptoms associated with the disease, and most women do not even realize that they have a problem at all until weeks, even months down the road.

This is very problematic because this means that they may be having unprotected sex with other partners and passing the disease on.

Gonorrhea is another sexually transmitted disease that should be discussed in the matter of sexual health facts . It is a bacterial infection that is transmitted by sexual contact. It is actually one of the oldest known sexually transmitted diseases and survives only on moist surfaces within the body.

Unlike Chlamydia there are many symptoms associated with this STD, including a burning during urination, yellowish or foul vaginal discharge, and a burning or itching of the vaginal area.

Sexual health facts are vital to be informed on these days, and by being educated on these sorts of matters you will not only be able to protect yourself and your health but the health of others as well. You need to be mature and responsible when it comes to your sexual health and protect and guard yourself against disease.

If you ever do develop a sexually transmitted disease you are going to have to get treatment for it, treatment which will vary depending on which particular STD you have developed. Speak to your doctor if you ever experience any symptoms or side effects of a sexually transmitted disease.

How to Stop the Increasing STD Cases

People and organizations who are concerned with stopping STD from victimizing people remain frustrated with the continuous rise of STD cases worldwide. This has been a long time problem already and if people remain to show no discipline, then it will still be a problem for a long time. This is the main reason why these organizations have come up with different ways to help stop the spread of the dangerous sexually transmitted diseases.

As everyone knows, incurable STDs such as AIDS can cause death among its victims. Stopping STDs would also mean lesser AIDS cases. AIDS is dreadful, it may not cause instant death but it will first make the victim suffer through all those other health complications, illnesses and diseases. Just like the other STDs, whether curable or not, they all remain dangerous and a real life threat for anybody.

So, what should the concerned health organizations do to stop these diseases from victimizing people? Well, it all should start from each and every individual to do what is necessary to prevent these diseases from spreading. Those who are at high risk from infection are asked to take a regular STD testing. These people are those who are active with their sex life, have multiple sex partners or practices unprotected sex. Whatever the gender is, people who fall under these categories should make the move to clear their health condition.

Today, STD testing is made more ready and available for everyone. Different hospitals, local health clinics and health sites are all now offering local STD testing in their area. Some of the people may even avail of the affordable STD testing. People may easily seek the service of STD testing any time they need it. There are also several STD testing clinics that offer private STD testing for people who would want to keep their identity and health condition in private. This type of testing is often preferred by many because many patients feel uneasy having to be tested for STD.

STD testing is not just to detect STD virus or infection. This aims to let the person know that he or she needs treatment and that her disease should not be passed onto other people. This will then help stop or at least decrease the rise of STD cases.

Once a patient is diagnosed with STD, he or she will have to seek the doctor for help through treatment. Some STDs may be cured with antibiotic or antibacterial drugs. However, some STDs are just simply incurable. Whatever medications one takes, the virus will remain in the person’s system for life. This is the staggering truth on STDs, whether it is curable or not, it is still a reason of putting one’s self in great health danger.

Stopping STD from spreading can save your life and others. Everybody may do their share. For people who know that they are candidates of STD infection should make the move to have them tested and treated. For people who are safe from these diseases should always keep in mind to keep themselves healthy at all times.

Healing the Most Intimate Scars of War

Put yourself in the flipflops of a guerrilla fighter in Congo and you see the value of rape. A form of booty in a land with not much left to pillage, it is also a weapon, a tool of war.

Even when drunk or stoned there is method in the way marauding bands of armed men use sexual assaults to shatter the morale and family structure of rival ethnic and tribal groups.

"The woman is humiliated, but also the tribe," said Justine Dikanza, who runs Basadi, a non-governmental organisation for displaced people in the eastern town of Bunia. "It sends a message that they are nothing. They are reduced, ridiculed. Husbands feel contaminated."

Women often try to keep the assaults secret lest they be disowned by their families. Now that fighting has abated and former conflict zones have been opened to relief groups, some stories are emerging.

Discreetly, thousands of girls and women are seeking treatment for ruptured organs, sexually transmitted infections and mental trauma.

Typical of them is Cecilia, a 44-year-old mother of seven who was abducted from the village of Mongwalu last year and repeatedly raped before finding refuge with other displaced people in a field of muddy tents outside Bunia.

"People here don't know the truth. If they did they would mock her as being a woman of the other tribe," said Ms Dikanza, whose NGO is supported by Médecins Sans Frontières.

Cecilia agreed to be photographed on condition that pictures were also taken of her neighbours, so that they did not wonder why she had been singled out. "It's not easy here," she said. Her neighbours nodded, assuming Cecilia was referring to the malnutrition and malaria.

Of all atrocities in the Congo's five-year war, sexual assault is perhaps the least documented. But there is little doubt that those seeking treatment represent a tiny fraction of the total.

The MSF hospital in Bunia has registered 560 cases since June, the women's ages ranging from four to 85. There is an average of one new case a day.

Some women arrive months or even years after the assaults, too late to avert unwanted pregnancies or HIV but not for antibiotics to treat infections. The violence of attacks - bayonets, bottles and gun barrels have been used - and botched deliveries of babies by rapists-turned-midwives in the bush can leave victims suffering incontinence due to a fistula (opening) forming between the anus and the vagina. Faeces comes out of the vagina, the smell is unpleasant, the humiliation total. "They are often rejected by their families, so I counsel them," said Henri Namisira, a psychologist at a Swedish missionary hospital in Bukavu, south of Bunia.

Since March, 1,029 women have come to the hospital for treatment after sexual assault, but many are still hiding in the forest, unsure the peace will hold, according to one doctor, Heikko Reinikainen, a Finn.

His Congolese colleague, Denis Mukwege, a specialist in repairing ruptured organs, had operated on four women with fistulas that day, one of them 16 years old.

Next to the operating theatre was a bungalow ward housing 51 girls and women, all his patients. Lying under a grey blanket, Justine Shrire, 25, was recovering from an operation two weeks earlier. She would take months to heal, but after six years of incontinence that was a small price.

She was smiling. Her husband, Christoph Kateo, had stood by her. "I feel things will get better now," she said.


Another patient, Apolinne Mbila, 20, had been raped last year. She was waiting for surgery to determine whether she would be able to have children again after the butchery of an induced birth in the bush, which killed her baby.

On arrival many patients were silent, but that changed with the solidarity of other patients and promise of surgery, said Corry Kik, MSF's project coordinator in Bukavu, whose Aids centre treats these women when it can.

In the capital of neighbouring Burundi, another war-torn country edging towards peace, an MSF centre for victims of sexual violence opened in September. Some were so young that they, rather than their infants, played with the doll in the psychologist's office.

Under a mango tree, a 15-year-old called Maria cradled her eight-month-old son, the product of a rape at knife-point by soldiers who had broken into her home.

Maria's family stopped sending her to school and told her to stay at home because she was unlikely to find a husband. She said she was determined to resume her education, "maybe to become a doctor". She named her son Ngabirano, which means gift from God.

Epididymitis - Philadelphia STD Testing Clinics

Epididymitis is present when men experience pain in the scrotum. It is often associated with the msot severe pain and swelling. This is caused by the two most common sexually transmitted diseases namely chlamydia and gonorrhea. This infection is most common among males with ages 18 to 40. It may not be found in male adolescents who are not practicing sexual activities. Acute epididymitis is usually accompanied by urethritis and is often not showing symptoms at all. Like any other STDs, if this is left untreated, it can cause several health problems like infection of the bladder, kidney, prostate, urinary tract and urethra. This can also increase one’s susceptibility to other diseases and illnesses.

Epididymitis is often caused by the same bacteria that cause other STDs. It may also be experienced if there is an injury or infection in the scrotum. Urinalysis can detect epididymitis infection. Urine culture can identify organisms that cause the infection. One may also undergo examination of discharges from the urethra or prostate glands, blood test and ultra sound.

STD testing can confirm infection for all sexually transmitted diseases. Local STD testing is done in hospitals and local health sites. This is made more available by those who are concerned about the uprising STD cases worldwide. In many different states, STD testing clinics are now open to help those who need more specialization in STD cases. Private STD testing is also offered in these clinics to make the patients be more comfortable during the testing and treatment.

Epididymitis is curable just like chlamydia and gonrrhea. And since this is a bacterial STD, it can be treated with antibiotics. Alternative therapies may also be done by the patient to help completely heal the infection. Fasting is recommended because this is said to ease out pain. The patient may take fruit or vegetables instead of a heavy meal.

Re-infection is also possible. All STDs caused by bacteria may be recurrent. Anti-inflammatory drugs may be taken. An epididymitis infected person must not take beverages that contain caffeine. Strict diet of high fiber foods will also be given. Examples of these foods are grains, fruits and nuts. These are to prevent the patient from constipation. Constipation can just add up to the pain that the patient is experiencing. Strenuous activities should also be avoided. A patient may have to abstain from having sex a month after symptoms has disappeared.

A patient should always monitor his urine flow. So, one is advised to take plenty of fluids and avoid urine retention. This will prevent further infection from happening such as urinary tract infection. The use of condoms should also be practiced. Also abstaining from having sex with one who is infected with STD should be followed.

STD testing is important for those who are suspecting to be infected with an STD. This can help one know what his real medical condition is. Even if symptoms do not show, as long as one is sexually active, he must take a regular STD testing to be sure that he is not infected at all. Preventive measures are also to be followed. These are not added responsibilities but a way to be infection-free and healthy.

Blue Waffle - A Short Overview

After doing some research on the blue waffle case there were many unanswered doubts left. Is the blue waffle real or not? Why there is only one photograph of it on the Internet? Even So, there are still many information about it.

It seems that it is a sexually transmitted disease, most probably an raw vaginitis infection. It’s got its name "blue" because it causes changes in the coloring in the infected region, and "waffle" which is slang term for the feminine reproductive organ.

Still, it appears that all the mystery behind the blue waffle makes people interested. As you have already seen "Curiosity killed the cat". Checking the image of blue waffle will not kill you but it will unquestionably disturb many people. Speaking about the images one matter is evident; there is only one picture of the blue waffle on the entire Internet.

What does this mean? Is it possible that this disease is so unusual and bad to be photographed or it is a product of a person good at Photoshop who only needed to make joke with its friends? Whatever it is, there are hundreds and hundreds of individuals who research the internet for the Blue waffle every single day.

One more matter that can be regarded is that all the hype about the Blue waffle made many people concerned about their health. Particularly young people nowadays, who are very sexually engaged, are more interested about their health. Maybe this one picture stimulated more girls to start seeing their gynaecologists after checking it, than HIV and AIDS unitedly?

Whatever the reason is, if this disease caused only one percentage of the young people to be more careful with their wellness then it is a great success whether it is only a joke that went viral or a serious disease.

Affordable STD Testing

Many people do not notice that STDs are increasing in cases every year. They may not even have the interest to know. But, people should be informed of what dangerous effects STD can give. It is a known fact that STDs can bring serious effects to one’s health when undetected and untreated. Though there are a lot of preventive measures that can be used, many people are just not that interested to know. Remember that not all STDs show signs or symptoms of getting infected. You may never know if your current sex partner is already infected with an STD. This makes STDs so dangerous and can take the life of its victim in a snap.

It is not easy to deal with STD and the thought of being infected with it. Early detection and prompt treatment is needed to regain better health and life. If one is having doubts about his or her health condition, then a reliable STD testing is recommended to be taken. This is the surest way to check if he or she is infected with STD. Taking the test is not easy for many. Some are hesitant because they feel that their privacy is being left open in the public is they take the test in a hospital. However, if this is the case, a private STD testing may be done. This is already offered in some health clinics and hospitals. It is also offered in STD testing clinics where specialists can better guide you on what to do with your current health condition.

Another reason that keeps one from taking the test is their financial status. Many perceive STD testing as expensive requires a huge amount to get the chance to take the test. This is completely wrong. There are other health organizations that are willing to help those who need testing by giving out a more affordable STD testing and sometimes, it may even come for free. A local STD testing is not that expensive as others think. And besides, no amount is big enough for someone’s health. Health should always be the top priority of everybody.

Once one has taken the test, he or she can consult a doctor of his or her choice. It is necessary for the patient to share all necessary information that the doctor needs in order to come up with the best treatment for the patient. Early detection results to early treatment. This helps avoid further health complications to the patient. As well known, STDs if left untreated can give even more damages to one’s health, and the worst of it is death.

It is never a big deal to give a sample of your urine to a laboratory for testing. Money matters should also not hinder your will to take the test. It is a courageous act and it also shows that you are concerned with your partner’s health as well. This is for your own good and peace of mind. Value your health more and it will take care of you too.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases That You Should Know About

A sexually transmitted disease (STD) is any infection which is highly contagious in nature and can be transmitted from one individual to another through physical contact. Sexually transmitted diseases are also referred to as sexually transmitted infections (STIs). No sex is the surest way you can prevent STIs. Even condoms cannot fully ensure 100% protection against some of them. Given below is the list of 7 common sexually transmitted diseases:

1. Chlamydia
It is reported to be the most common sexually transmitted disease, with an estimated number of 92 millions people getting infected with it annually. It affects the cervix in women and the penile urethra in men. Painful intercourse along with penile or vaginal discharge is the commonest symptom of chlamydia. Like genital herpes, this sexually transmitted infection can also go unnoticed for months, which is why it is sometimes difficult to diagnose and treat it on time.

2. Gonorrhea
The second most common STD is gonorrhea, which is also a bacterial STD like chlamydia and infects the genitals. Its symptoms include burning sensation while urinating and penile discharge. The tricky part of this infection is that you can suffer from it even if you protect yourself from vaginal or anal sex. Even oral sex can cause this sexually transmitted disease.

3. Syphilis
Syphilis is one of the most feared sexually transmitted diseases in the world. In this condition, you can develop sores and anybody coming in direct contact with it can get infected. The areas where symptoms of syphilis appear include rectum, vagina or mouth. Sex with condom may not give you 100% protection against this infection.

4. Mycoplasma Genitalium
This little-known infection can be a major factor behind cervicitic in women. Lack of visible symptoms can make diagnosis difficult, but with the help advanced medical equipments, it can be detected and treated.

5. Trichomoniasis
It is a common infection for women who are into frequent sex. Because of similarities in symptoms, it is sometimes mistaken for bacterial vaginosis or a yeast infection. The most common symptoms of trichomoniasis include painful intercourse, odorous and frothy vaginal discharge, itching and irritation.

6. Pubic Lice
Visible lice in the genitals or in the armpits are known pubic lice. They can be transmitted from one individual to another through sexual contact or by unhygienic clothes. Itching is the most common symptom of this infection.

7. Genital herpes
Caused by the herpes simplex virus, genital herpes, better known as herpes, is another of those feared sexually transmitted diseases that nobody wants to get infected with. Herpes cannot be fully cured after you catch the virus through unsafe sex or by any form of sexual touching or kissing. Valtrex and Famvir are among the 2 most effective medicines to tackle herpes.

The good news is that your doctor can take an antibody blood test to diagnose genital herpes. Sexually transmitted diseases like herpes can also be diagnosed by the ELISA test, which normally detects the presence of the herpes virus 21 or more days after infection.