Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Treatment

ut the causes and symptoms of this problem, let us now see what are the various forms of pelvic inflammatory disease treatments that are available.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: Treatments

A woman who is suffering from pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) faces the risk of damaging her reproductive organs, which might lead to infertility in women or various other health problems like ectopic pregnancy, or chronic pain in the pelvic region and various other complications related to pregnancy. Sometimes if the infection is not brought under control, it might also spread to the liver. Hence, it's important that you know what are the various treatments of this problem.

One major pelvic inflammatory disease treatment is antibiotic therapy or the use of various antibiotic drugs. These drugs are used to kill the disease causing bacteria. Sometimes the doctor also might ask the patient to take IV antibiotics treatment and, depending on the severity of the disease, they might even ask the patient to be admitted in hospital. If the disease cannot be treated with medicines, then a surgery can also be carried out where the tubo ovarian abscess will be removed or drained.

The bacteria or the STD, might also be present in men, which might contaminate women. Hence, it is better if one knows about the pelvic inflammatory disease treatment for men too. Bacteria like gonorrhea or chlamydia are more common in men than in women and they are the ones which are responsible for PID in women. Therefore, men should also take certain precautions to treat this infection so that women do not get infected. One thing you should keep in mind is that if a woman has been detected with this bacteria, then her partner should also get tested otherwise they might contract the same infection again and again.

These were the various pelvic inflammatory disease treatments. Follow the entire course of the drugs that your doctor gives you and do not stop just because you feel well. The doctor will let you know when to discontinue them. Also follow the pelvic inflammatory disease treatment guideline in your country in order to know which treatments are available along with all the other information about PID.

What is Trichomoniasis

What is Trichomoniasis? Also referred to as 'Trich' as a short way of saying it, or as the fishy fanny syndrome, you will know the reason why, as you proceed with this article!. It is a sexually transmitted disease which is considered to be more contagious than most other STDs. This disease can spread even with a touch source which consists of the protozoa called Trichomonas vaginalis. As compared to men, women are more prone to getting infected by this protist and develop Trichomoniasis. This is so because a women's anatomy is more suited to the single celled organism, the Trichomonas vaginalis, which likes to live in the moist and dark regions of the body. Therefore, women tend to develop more symptoms when dealing with this disease, while men generally don't experience any symptoms.

Symptoms of Trichomoniasis

What is Trichomoniasis in women and its symptoms? The symptoms appear within 6 months from being infected! Mentioned below are the symptoms of this disease, mentioned in brief.

    * Itchiness in the genitals
    * A burning sensation in the genital area.
    * A thick yellow, white, gray or green discharge from the vagina.
    * Fowl smell from the discharge
    * Pain while urination
    * Pain during sexual intercourse
    * Redness in the genital area.

Causes of Trichomoniasis

What is Trichomoniasis caused by? The main cause of getting infected by this disease is the transmission of the Trichomonas Vaginalis, which is one celled protozoa that travels from the body of one person to another through sexual intercourse. As mentioned earlier, the symptoms show within the first 6 months, but the infection may start within 5 to 28 days from the day the protozoa enters your body!

What is the Treatment for Trichomoniasis

When it comes to the treatment of Trichomoniasis, both the partners should be treated as there are high chances of the infection to have transmitted to the other partner as well during intercourse. A mega-dose of Flagyl is what is used to treat Trichomoniasis. You can also take a mega-dose pill of tinidazole as an alternative. Both of these medications work fine to kill the protozoa and treat the infection. There are also many medicated gels and creams which can be inserted in the vagina in order to cure the infection! However, taking oral medication is always a much better choice! While taking the treatment for Trichomoniasis, it is best to avoid having unprotected sex, so make sure to always use a condom! Once under the treatment, it takes about a week for the infection to cure completely. A point to be kept in mind is that if you are consuming tinidazole to treat the infection, then you must refrain from drinking alcohol for the next 72 hours, after consuming the dose. This can lead to severe side effects which include nausea, headache, vomiting, dizziness, and a metallic taste in the tongue.

Now you have a fair idea as to what is Trichomoniasis. And what makes Trichomoniasis more contagious as compared to the other types of STDs is that it can spread even with a touch, especially if the partner happens to touch the moist liquid around the woman's vagina or even the groin area. So what can be done for Trichomoniasis prevention? Well, like all other STDs, one needs to refrain from unprotected sex. Make sure that you use a condom or a spermicide while indulging in intercourse. Avoid having multiple sex partners or refrain from having sex with people you don't know! Therefore, if you suspect to have this infection, consult your doctor and get the STD testing done to prevent further complications, as a person having this infection is more prone to contracting HIV. So take care of your health and also of your partner's!

List of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases, are a fast growing disease worldwide, especially in places like Africa and America, where millions get infected every year. We aren't aware of our partner's genetics, lifestyle or who they've been with in the past, that could have contracted the disease from other means. In today's world where sexual intercourse is not a safe practice anymore, we need to take on that responsibility and safeguard oneself, by first requesting him/her to go for an STD test as well expose oneself to sex education.

There are many precautionary methods that youngsters and adults ignore, and take lightly, but now is the time to think of what it could do to your body and your future. There are ways in which people can help themselves if they fall prey to these diseases, but acting fast is your ticket to treat the condition in time. The sexually transmitted diseases list, along with everything to do with them, will help you figure out how to cope with STD related situations.

Types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Here you'll find a list of sexually transmitted diseases, that go beyond the common types of STD names that you'd normally hear about.
  • Hepatitis B, D, A, C, E
  • Chlamydia Trachomatis
  • Sarcoptes Scabiei
  • Chancroid
  • Candida Albicans
  • Genital Warts
  • Neisseria Gonorrhea
  • Herpes Virus 2 and Herpes Simplex (Genital Herpes)
  • Ureaplasma Urealyticum
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Syphilis
  • Granuloma Inguinale
  • Phthiriasis
  • Molluscum Contagiosum
  • Lymphogranuloma Venereum
  • Scabies
  • Jock Itch
  • Pubic Lice
  • Yeast infections
  • Human Papillomavirus
Symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Mentioned here are the different ways in which one can spot the symptoms of a STD from the following list (some of them), that indicate that you've been infected by one.

Diseases Symptoms and Treatment
Gonorrhea - One experiences extreme pain when urinating.
- Discharge from the penis/vagina.
- Signs of a pelvic inflammatory disease.
- Infertility in women.
- One may get Perihepatitis, which is Fitzhugh-Curtis Syndrome.
- Ectopic pregnancy, that is an abnormality in the position of an organ during birth.
(This when treated in time, can be surmounted by the use of antibiotics.)
Chancroid - Presence of painful ulcers on one's genitals.
(Disease can be confused with herpes/syphilis and can be treated with antibiotics.)
Syphilis - Symptoms aren't easily detectable and starts with an ulcer on the genital area, which in time goes away on its own (painless).
- Headache
- Rash
- Fever
- Achy joints
Hepatitis - Hepatitis B and D are contracted through sexual activities, although C, A and E are not often passed through sexual acts, but through blood contact.
- Hepatitis B can cause chronic and acute liver inflammation.
- Due to complications, liver cancer and cirrhosis can take place in a person.
(Very strong medication is used to treat this condition, although immune enhancing medicines are available to prevent hepatitis B.)
Molluscum Contagiosum - It is contagious in nature and can be transferred to others through skin contact.
- Raised papules on the skin.
(Can be treated with surgical removal or cryotherapy.)
Pubic Lice/Crabs - Crotch area develops an itchy sensation.
(This can also be contracted through bedding or clothing; can be treated with anti-lice agents, creams or combing.)
Trichomonas - Vaginal discharge/semen gives off a very strong odor, and is frothy in nature for women.
- Men will experience painful urination or ejaculation.
- Swelling in the scrotum.
(Can be treated with antiprotozoal or antibacterial medication.)
Scabies - Spreads through sexual and skin contact, or through furniture, sheets and other materials.
- Infestation caused by mites.
(Contagious in nature; can be treated with creams)
Chlamydia - Excess discharge from penis/vagina.
- Painful urination with burning sensation.
- Infertility and ectopic pregnancy in women.
(Can be transmitted through oral/anal/vaginal sexual acts; can be treated with antibiotics.)
Lymphogranuloma Venereum - Fistulas (pus discharge) is evident.
- Abscesses in the rectum, groin or other areas; can be treated with the use of antibiotics.
Genital Warts - Painless bumps present in the anal/genital area (clusters).
(Vaccinations are available with other treatments like 'freezing' or coating medicines on the warts.)
HIV/AIDS - Immune system breaks down.
- Coughs
- Night sweats
- Fever that stretches on for weeks.
- Headaches
- Weight loss
- Dementia
- Infections that arise.
(Spreads through sexual contact or sharing needles (IV kind/narcotics); no cure for the condition, but medication is available to slowdown the disease's advancement.)

Causes of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Now that the sexually transmitted diseases list makes things a little clearer along with the symptoms, we move on to find out what causes these to sprout up when we least expect.
  • Sexual acts done through vaginal, oral or anal sex.
  • Having multiple sex partners in one's everyday life.
  • Having unprotected sex (not using a condom).
  • Sharing your underwear with your partner.
  • Needle pricks done intentionally/unintentionally in the use of drugs / by injury.
  • Having sexual intercourse while menstruating.
  • Sharing one's sexual toys with others.
  • Passing on the disease from mother to fetus.
  • Physical contact of any kind.
Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

There are ways for one to stay clear from the aforementioned sexually transmitted diseases list, by being cautionary in everyday activities.
  • Avoiding sex when one is menstruating.
  • Not sharing needles.
  • Avoiding unprotected sex; using condoms lessens your chances of contracting it, but doesn't cancel out on possibly getting it.
  • Stop sexual acts with many people at a time, and stick to just one partner that you can be sure is clean.
A sexually transmitted disease is not something one can easily cope with when it is at its peak stage, so be sure to always get yourself and others tested before coming into contact with them, sexually. Have yourself tested regularly, and go immediately to a doctor if your body projects symptoms of the same. Have a safe tomorrow.